nda, I hope you're well. I saw your blog post about my
picture and although I am flattered that you think I'm
stunning, I find the comments rather offensive. The
comments could be classified under two categories: either
made by perverts or made by people who used the
opportunity to disregard my father's marital affairs. I am
aware that you cannot control your viewer's opinions, but
you violated My right of privacy by putting up pictures of
me on your blog, when you don't even know me
There is more to a person than meets the eye. By putting
up my pictures and describing me as "pretty" and
"stunning", you are judging me based on my physical
appearances. Truth is, this is exactly what is wrong with the
world. We reduce people and describe them using shallow
and physical adjectives. For the commenter who insisted
that I was only pretty with make up on, we live in a world
full of Nigerians who spend hundreds, and even thousands
on Brazilian and Indian wigs, bleaching creams and fake
nails. And you are looking down on me because I am
wearing make up?
And, in case you do speak to your commenters, please tell
them that I am not married for "royal ties". And yes, I am
older than my father's last wife, but why should that be
anybody 's business? To the ignorant commenter who
shamed my father for marrying a young wife: My father is
a Muslim and his marriage is legal before Islamic Law
(look up Prophet Muhammad S.A.W 's marriage to Nana
Aisha). If The Almighty God permits his marriage, who are
you to condemn it? Why should he please you, the
creation, when he can please The Creator?
Going forward, I will appreciate it if you would be as kind
as to remove my pictures from your blog so as to stop
similarly insulting comments.
But do feel free to post this email on your blog because a
lot of ignorant people that read your blog need an
educated response. "For every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction".
- Khadija Yusra Muhammad Sanusi II.
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